Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, this Unit is about media and i think that we have to go in depth instead of talking about the general public and how media affects them, we should talk about Kuwait. How is Kuwait affected by media? is its affected in a positive or negative way. Anyone can answer this question, at least anyone who lives in Kuwait. Media is a big problem, its what causes most problems in the first place.Kuwait, well one way Kuwait is affected by media is movies, pirated movies, there are people that record movies and sell them for a KD or 2 to the public, that's illegal everyone knows its illegal yet they still support the idea. Who wants to pay 6 or 7 KD for an original movie which takes time to come out on DVD when instead they can pay for a movie which is 5 or 6 times cheaper, and comes out during the time its showing in the cinema, well everyone knows the second choice is the winner. The police, are the people that should sto this, when they pass by stores that are selling movies that are pirated and against their rights they should stop it, instead they buy and watch. The people selling those movies TV shows and more have improved throughout the years instead of a person going in the car driving to the store, getting the movie, they could just sit home and relax and pick up their phone call the movie man and he just comes with all his movies and you buy them. This is wrong and should be stopped people should understand what they are doing is wrong and illegal and should be stopped.